Sample Collection Procedure
Blood sampling principles
Preparation for blood tests
Before the test
It is often impossible to account for possible changes in results due to meals and time of the day; therefore, it is recommended that blood is collected in the morning, before breakfast, after about 12-hour abstinence from meals.

Come before breakfast.

Avoid alcohol on the day before your test.

You may drink a small amount of water prior to the test.

Avoid physical exercise on the day before your test.
During the test

Do not move
your arms.

Press a gauze onto the injection site for 5-7 minutes.

Keep your arm extended after the needle is removed.

Avoid lifting heavy objects.
Preparation for urine tests
For analysis morning urine should be delivered.
While adhering to basic hygiene principles, excrete the first portion of urine into the toilet and then into a special container labeled with your full name.
Some urine analyses are performed on 24-hour-collection basis.
Some of these require an appropriate stabilizing agent being added to the collection; this should be agreed upon with the physician or laboratory diagnostician.
Urine should be delivered in quantities specified by the lab (minimum of 10 mL).
PLEASE NOTE: Sterile containers should be used for microbial and mycological analyses; the material should be delivered to the lab as soon as possible, preferably within 1 hour.
Urine – Bacterial assay
Urine for bacterial assays should be sampled in the morning as follows:
Obtain a sterile container.
Wash your hands with soap and running water; dry using a disposable towel.
Do not touch the inside of the container and lid.
Put the lid aside with its inside up; grasp the outer walls of the container.
With one hand, part your outer labia to expose the urethral outlet.
Wipe the urethral region with a sterile gauze or paper towel.
Excrete the first portion of urine into the toilet.
While not stopping the urine stream, urinate directly into the container so
it is about 1/3 full. -
The container should be closed immediately after being filled and delivered to the lab as quickly as possible; before transportation, sample should be stored in a refrigerator.
Urine for bacterial assays should be sampled in the morning as follows:
Obtain a sterile container.
Wash your hands with soap and running water; dry using
a disposable towel. -
Do not touch the inside of the container and lid.
Put the lid aside with its inside up; grasp the outer walls of the container.
Pull back your foreskin to expose the urethral outlet.
Wipe the urethral region with a sterile gauze or paper towel.
Excrete the first portion of urine into the toilet.
While not stopping the urine stream, urinate directly into the container so it is about 1/3 full.
The container should be closed immediately after being filled and delivered to the lab as quickly as possible; before transportation, sample should be stored in a refrigerator.
A small quantity (about the size of a walnut) is collected to a special container using a dedicated spatula provided with the container.
It is important that stool is collected from different locations within the same portion.
PLEASE NOTE: Sterile containers should be used for microbial and mycological analyses; the material should be delivered to the lab as soon as possible, preferably within 1 hour.
Preparation for cervical smear collection
Optimum time for cervical smear collection is between menstrual cycle days 10 and 20; it is impossible to perform a smear test while menstruating.
The test should be preceded by: 24-hour sexual abstinence; 24-hour interval from gynecological examination; 6-day interval from discontinuation of any intravaginal medications. Do not use tampons or alkaline irrigations/hygienic agents.
Preparation for microbial smears (PCR assays)
General recommendations are like those for cervical smear with the exception of no optimum assay time point being defined and a 7-day
wash-out period being required for any antimicrobial drugs. -
Urethral smear is collected before morning micturition or at least
3 hours after previous micturition.
Semen analysis
About 2-7 days of sexual abstinence is required before the test.
Longer or shorter times since last ejaculation may affect the test results. -
Semen is collected by masturbation (NOTE! All ejaculate must be collected) directly into a sterile urinalysis container. It should be delivered to the lab within 1 hour; it may also be collected on site in
a designated room. -
Transport temperature should be about 37-38 °C
(about the body temperature). -
Results may be affected by fatigue, recent history of diseases with fever episodes, alcohol consumption or excessively long time
of sexual abstinence. -
Allow 2 weeks of wash-out for any antibiotic treatments.
Preparation for microbial assays
Samples for bacteriological and mycological examinations should be collected at the initial stage of the disease in case of generalized disorders and during exacerbation of symptoms in case of chronic diseases. In case of localized disorders, material should be collected from fresh local lesions.
Regardless of the generalized or localized character of lesions, sample material should be collected prior to systemic antimicrobial treatment; localized lesions should be kept untreated with topical antimicrobial agents (ointments, drops, dressings, etc.) for at least 4 hours prior to collection; collection sites should be free of make-up (creams, mascaras, nail polish) or intimate hygiene (gels, foams, etc.) residues.
In patients undergoing systemic antibiotic or other antimicrobial treatment, material should be collected >5 days after the completion of the treatment in case of bacteriological assays and > 4 weeks in case of mycological assays (3 weeks in case of topical antifungals being used at the planned collection site); information on the history of antimicrobial agents should be provided.
Urine samples for microbial assays should be collected in the mornings; smears (nasopharynx, mouth, genitals, etc.) should be collected in the mornings before meals. On cleansing or disinfecting agents should be used prior to collecting sample materials from skin,
mucosal membranes, genitals, etc.